Koti Syamala

Koti Syamala

Depth-first search algorithm

Depth-first search algorithm

Depth-first search (DFS) is a search algorithm that explores the search tree by going as deep as possible along each branch before backtracking. This means that it explores each branch of the search tree as far as possible before moving…

Breadth-first search algorithm

breadth-first search

The breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm is a search algorithm that explores the search tree by visiting all of the nodes at the same depth before moving on to the next level. This means that it visits all of the nodes…

Install and setup Gradle

gradle installation

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up Gradle on your machine. Gradle is the most popular build automation tool in recent times as it has advantages over the Maven build tool. Note: Make sure you are on…

Git Merge two branches

Git merge two branches

How to merge two git branches branch1 to branch2 Check out both branches as follows, first check out branch1 Check out branch 2 To merge branch1 and branch2ce you check out both branches, switch to the branch which you want…

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