Koti Syamala

Koti Syamala

Multiple git accounts setup

Multiple git accounts setup

As a developer, you must come across this issue, If you try to check out multiple repositories from different git accounts by default git tries to check out from first account it won’t find the second repository in the first…

Setup M2_HOME on your Apple MacBook

Maven home

Here are the steps to download Maven on your apple MacBook and setup MAVEN_HOME Download the Maven binaries from While downloading, select the apache-maven-3.8.6-bin.zip (Binary zip archive) Extract unzip apache-maven-3.8.6-bin.zip using the terminal (for this example I’ve downloaded and extracted…

HTTP ERROR 503 Service Unavailable on AEM Start

AEM 503 Service Unavailable

While starting AEM getting below error 503 service unavailable. Fix: Stop the server Navigate to the server path: C:\aem65_12\crx-quickstart\launchpad\config\org\apache\sling\jcr Find the folder repoinit rename or delete the folder which has the repo initialization configs Restart the server Ref:

Setup JAVA_HOME on Apple Mac

Setup Java_Home

Download the latest java from Oracle Open terminal and check the java version 2. Check if JAVA_HOME is set echo $JAVA_HOME 3. If it returned empty then on the home / check for the file ~/.zshenv by hitting ls…

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