The WSRP is a is used to define a portlet’s operations to remote containers. JSR 286 portlets and WSRP may be used together to define a portlet and to provide remote operations. Similarly, .NET portlets may be created for use with WSRP. Interoperability between JSR 286 and .NET can be achieved using WSRP.
Impl: (At Host)
Letβs take any portlet, for my example I have AddBookPortlet
provide this portlet as web Service by clicking on βprovide portletβ
Then give the access permission as βanonymous usersβ to this portlet.
Create a Producer: (Generate at remote client)
Goto WebSphere Portal > Portlet Management > Web Services
Click on new producer
Then give a name to producer, WSDL url is auto filled by the value http://localhost:10039/wps/wsdl/service.wsdl
Give your host address (IP) and port of the portlet service, click on next
(I am doing locally so I will give the same)
And then next
You are created a producer successfully
Now go to
WebSphere Portal > Portlet Management > Web Modules
Click on consume:
Click on Test producer
Select published portlet
And click ok.
EJPAQ1801I: Web module(s) have been consumed.
Now go to portlets
WebSphere Portal > Portlet Management > Portlets
Find the portlet (addbookportlet)
(In my example I created locally so, two portlets will be there one is actual portlet another is remote portlet)
Create a page and add the remote portlet to it. The remotely running portlet will be appeared in your page.