Unable to import Magento product images from URL

Trying to update existing product images of Magento using the import utility under Admin console of Magento System -> Import


Filled the import form as shown below and click on the “Check Data” button, then the successfully verified message shows


Click on the “Import” button, then the below error message shown


Error message as follows:

Maximum error count has been reached or system error is occurred!
Following Error(s) has been occurred during importing process:
Only the first 100 errors are shown. Download full report
General system exception happened
Additional data: <div class="messages"><div class="message message-error error">
<div data-ui-id="messages-message-error" >
Warning: hash_file(https://xyz.com/bmw/3-series/2021/oem/2021_bmw_3-series_sedan_330e_fq_oem_1_815.jpg):
Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in
on line 1985





Magento Admin

The import file structure follows as below using the external server URL

CSV import format as below

SKU, base_imagesmall_imagethumbnail_image

UR : http://example.com/images/image.jpg

Ref:  Method 2: Import Images from External Server

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