Hide Page from Navigation in WebSphere Portal 8

Hidden pages:-
Some scenarios and use cases require pages that do not show in the portal, but contain portlets that can be launched from other pages. Such hidden pages do not appear in the site navigation, but are launched from generated links in portlets or theme code. For ease of administration and conserving system resources, you can place and manage such pages in one place. An example is the Edit Page Properties portlet: users can launch it from a link in the theme, but the portlet instance itself is located on a hidden page in the content model.

The easiest way to create a hidden page for such purposes is to create the page as a child of the Hidden Pages label, which is a child of the content root. This label is hidden from the navigation. It is a container for hidden pages in the portal, and it minimizes the cycles required to render the top-level navigation links while still providing support for hidden pages.

Steps to hide a page from Navigation in WebSphere Portal 8
1) Go to Administration, Manage Pages
2) Export the page to be hidden.
3) Edit the pageExport.xml. Add the line below.
<parameter name=”com.ibm.portal.Hidden” type=”string” update=”set”><![CDATA[true]]></parameter>
4) Go to Administration, Import XML. Import the xml with the new line.

The page will have the Hidden parameter and the won’t show up on the basic navigation in the portal page.

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