Koti Syamala

Koti Syamala

Installation and setup for PHP beginners

 Welcome to PHP Learning! How to set up a local environment for development: We will be using apache XAMPP webserver  and mySQL data base for this learning PHP. Step 1: Installation install the server from  depending on your OS install…

AEM 6.4 beta version

Here is the AEM 6.4 beta version. you can request one from here Sign up for the AEM 6.4 Partner Release Enablement Program   Adobe Solutions Partner Program By participating in this program as an early adopter you will:…

JAVA J2EE Technical Architect Profile

 JAVA J2EE Technical Architect Profile Java Tech Arch Profile Image credit: Freepic.com Position Responsibilities: Identify target application architecture. Direct proof-of-concept initiatives. Analyze feasibility by presenting proof-of-concepts (POCs). Design the technical solution, including the infrastructure design. Define the product definition, cost…

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