Free Udemy Courses to learn programming

1. Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners


Basic fluency with computers


Learn to program in the Java programming language. This course assumes no prior programming knowledge, just a desire to learn to program.

Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to learn Java

Link to the course: Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners

2. Learn Python 3.6 for Total Beginners


A PC or laptop with internet access


This course teaches you the fundamentals of any programming language, with Python 3.6 and Anaconda 5.0.0 with Jupyter Notebook!

The course is suitable for those are either completely new to programming, or are coming from another programming language (R, JavaScript, etc) and are keen to get a solid grasp of using Python.

You’ll be learning:

Installing Jupyter Notebook IDE

Using all the vital features of Jupyter Notebook

Variables and comparison operators

Strings, slicing and formatting

Lists, Dictionaries and Tuples

Control flow (if, elif, else)

Advanced for loops and while loops

List comprehension

Functions and built-in functions

Random module

Lambda expressions

Handling errors

Working with text files

There are a total of 7 exercises between sections 3 to 8 with brain teasing tasks, along with full solutions provided in both lectures and in pdf format.

This course will be updated this month (12/2017) with extra content.

This is a taster of multiple up and coming courses I have in the pipeline, primarily in Python, but also other programming languages which will be released very soon!

P.S. I’d appreciate a 5 star review for this free course as that would help me out a lot to create to more content. If you’d rather give a low review, please do so after completing at least 50% of the course.

Who this course is for:

Newbies to programming or new to Python

Link to the course: Learn Python 3.6 for Total Beginners

3.Linux Tutorials and Projects (Free)

Access to a Linux system.
In this course, you will learn how to:
Install an SSL Certificate on CentOS Linux and Apache
Load Balance HTTP and Web Traffic Using Nginx
Configure MySQL Master-Slave Replication on Ubuntu Linux
Hello. My name is Jason Cannon and I’m the author of Linux for Beginners, the founder of the Linux Training Academy, and an instructor to thousands of satisfied students. I started my IT career in the late 1990’s as a Unix and Linux System Engineer and I’ll be sharing some of my real-world Linux experience with you throughout this course.
When you enroll, you get lifetime access to the course.  Your course never expires.  You can study at your own pace and refer back to the lessons whenever you want!

Who this course is for:
Anyone interested in learning more about Linux.

4. Beginner PHP and MySQL Tutorial

A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.
PHP and MySQL are incredibly powerful open source technologies that allow people to create functional websites and apps that go way beyond basic HTML. While it can seem intimidating to someone with no background in coding, working with PHP is much easier than many realize. With the right guidance and a desire to learn, most people can learn how to put together a functional web app in a few days!
This PHP / MySQL Tutorial Video Course is narrated by Robert Tucker, a long-time trainer, lecturer and consultant who specializes in helping people learn how to use technology to solve real world problems. In this high-impact course, Robert walks users through the creation of a functional PHP / MySQL interface from beginning to end, explaining where needed the important technical points without relying on excessive jargon. This is not an overview of complex theory, but a hands-on primer that will allow even beginners to create usable solutions quickly!
Robert shows you how to make the most from these free technologies used by everyone from small startups to the biggest technology companies in the world.
Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to build a website that goes beyond the requirements of basic HTML and CSS.
Anyone who wants to learn how to build an app that can handle data and interface with end users at the same time.
Anyone who wants to learn how MySQL can function as a database solution.
Anyone who wants to learn basic programming and development skills without days of digging through technical books.
Link for the course: Beginner PHP and MySQL Tutorial

5. Start Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing!

Reliable and fast internet connection.
Wireless networking card.
You will get to see screen capture live tutorials showing you everything you need to do to get started with ethical hacking and penetration testing including information about all of the topics below!
Learn the basics of what ethical hacking and penetration testing is to decide whether you want to go to an advanced level! Get a full tutorial on how to install VirtualBox o including on Windows 8.1 and gain the ability to run Kali Linux in any environment. See what to do to create the virtual environment and learn the basics of the Linux terminal.
Continue through the course to learn how to stay anonymous with tor and use Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Follow this information with an introduction to the ethical hacking and penetration testing tools you can use to take your learning from beginner to advanced! See how to change a mac address with macchanger. Discover how to use aircrack for wifi hacking, learn about proxychains, and finish with denial of service attacks.
Take this course now to get your learning started fast as an IT security professional online!
Who this course is for:
You can begin this course with any level of knowledge and quickly start advancing your skills as an information technology and security expert anywhere in the world!

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Here are the some of the book recommendations :


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